Analysis of Data Needs Survey for BPS-Statistics of Sorong Regency 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sorong Regency

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Analysis of Data Needs Survey for BPS-Statistics of Sorong Regency 2024

Catalog Number : 1399013.9107
Publication Number : 91070.24041
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 6, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.67 MB


presents the evaluation results of data needs and consumer satisfaction levels regarding the data services provided by BPS Sorong Regency. This study was conducted based on regulatory guidelines for public satisfaction surveys, aiming to identify consumer data needs, measure satisfaction with data quality, and provide recommendations for service improvement.This publication includes the following analyses:
  1. Consumer Segmentation: Presents respondent characteristics based on demographics, types of services, and facilities used.
  2. Service Satisfaction: Measures satisfaction levels regarding access, services, and infrastructure using the Customer Satisfaction Index (IKK) and gap analysis.
  3. Anti-Corruption Behavior: Assesses the implementation of anti-corruption principles through the Anti-Corruption Perception Index (IPAK).
  4. Data Needs: Identifies the types, levels, periods, and availability of data required by consumers.
The methodology employs non-probability sampling techniques with data collection through PAPI (Paper and Pencil Interviewing) and CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing) modes. The analysis is descriptive, utilizing cross-tabulation, Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA), and index calculations. The survey results are expected to enhance the quality of BPS services and data in alignment with user needs.
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